Api Reference
Welcome to the branchbob Api Reference page. This document describes how to
interact programmatically with the branchbob platform via our JSON-based Api.
In case our Api does not yet cover your use case,
please let us know — we appreciate any feedback via
In order to use the branchbob Api, you need an Api key.
New Api keys can be requested via
Once you obtained an Api Key, it must be used to sign each Api request via
the Authorization header (HTTP bearer authentication).
Here is an example:
Authorization: Bearer 9e73fdef32f1af68e64d3abfe8393d2e.c8108d5764102e4c1b9fc863650d3904419c2276c0545ddfc11bcd605b7c94ac
In the case of an error, the response be structured as follows.
code — Endpoint-specific error identifier (optional)
message — A human-readable description of the error
Here is an example:
"code": "INVALID_RANGE",
"message": "the requested from date is too far in the past"
The Server responses with following http status codes.
200 OK
— your request was successful
— your token in the Authorization Header is wrong
— the requested resource does not exists in your store
— more than 2 requests per second are made
Rate Limits
All Api endpoints are rate-limited to a maximum of
2 requests per second. Please ensure that your application
respects these limits by using proper throttling.
Get all your stores
All stores will be represented as an array of store objects.
Request example:
curl api.branchbob.com/api/v1/stores \
--request GET \
-H "Authorization: Bearer {token}"
Response example:
[{ StoreObject }, { StoreObject }]
Store object
"id": "ce11dcc4-f1c2-4166-85a1-ce61b2fc0c43",
"title": "Show Store"
"created_at": "2023-11-13T10:57:29.912Z",
"updated_at": "2023-11-13T10:57:38.330Z",
"url": "https://show-store.mybranchbob.com"
List all your orders
Returns a list of all your orders from all your stores. If you want to receive
orders from one of your stores specifically you need to pass the
store_id as parameter
Request example:
curl api.branchbob.com/api/v1/orders \
--request GET \
-H "Authorization: Bearer {token}"
If you want to receive orders from one of your stores specifically you need to
pass the store_id as parameter
curl api.branchbob.com/api/v1/orders?store_id=ce11dcc4-f1c2-4166-85a1-ce61b2fc0c43 \
--request GET \
-H "Authorization: Bearer {token}"
Response example:
{ OrderObject },
{ OrderObject },
{ OrderObject },
{ ... }
Get a specific order by id
Returns an order for the given id. The order must be part of one of your
Request example:
curl api.branchbob.com/api/v1/orders/2c62c9ec-12fd-4341-96be-3207df4acb6e \
--request GET \
-H "Authorization: Bearer {token}"
Response example:
{ OrderObject }
Orders object
"id": "24b63e10-72cb-4894-80e0-7ce042044443",
"number": "AGX-006-1041",
"store_id": "ce11dcc4-f1c2-4166-85a1-ce61b2fc0c43",
"created_at": "2023-11-13T10:57:39.594Z",
"updated_at": "2023-11-13T10:57:39.594Z",
"currency_code": "EUR",
"processed_at": null,
"paid_at": null,
"refunded_at": null,
"returned_at": null,
"shipped_at": null,
"cancelled_at": null,
"test": null,
"total_gross": 87.81,
"total_gross_formatted": "€87.81",
"invoice_ids": [
Get all your customers
Returns a list of all your customers from all your stores.
Request example:
curl api.branchbob.com/api/v1/customers \
--request GET \
-H "Authorization: Bearer {token}"
Response example:
{ CustomerObject },
{ CustomerObject },
{ CustomerObject },
Get a customer by id
Returns a customer based on the given id. The customer must be part
of the store in order to be avaible.
Request example:
curl api.branchbob.com/api/v1/customers/658ffc5c-7f76-4900-9dbb-242d985dd6bf \
--request GET \
-H "Authorization: Bearer {token}"
Response example:
{ CustomerObject }
Customer object
"id": "2b7e8c19-30d7-4110-8a53-c13b0a3c42f3",
"title": "Reichert-Olson",
"store_id": "ce11dcc4-f1c2-4166-85a1-ce61b2fc0c43",
"first_name": "Larisa",
"last_name": "O'Conner",
"email": "larisa@example.com",
"company": null,
"guest": true,
"created_at": "2023-11-13T10:57:38.747Z",
"updated_at": "2023-11-13T10:57:38.747Z"
Get an invoice by id
Returns an invoice based on the given id. The id can be found on the list of
on the order object. The invoice must be part of the store.
Request example:
curl api.branchbob.com/api/v1/invoices/f90ce03f-982e-43d7-898d-fad743b53291 \
--request GET \
-H "Authorization: Bearer {token}"
Response example:
{ InvoiceObject }
Invoice object
"id": "90e5d082-7e79-4e93-98e6-1418e1e6e7ff",
"created_at": "2023-11-13T10:57:39.673Z",
"updated_at": "2023-11-13T10:57:40.010Z",
"currency_code": "EUR",
"first_name": "Lucie",
"last_name": "Koepp",
"company": "Reichert-Olson",
"street": "Hilpert Fords",
"street_no": "62298",
"zip": "02536",
"city": "Gildatown",
"country_code": "us",
"number": "2",
"issuer_company": "Reichert-Olson",
"issuer_street": "Torphy Port",
"issuer_street_no": "2576",
"issuer_first_name": "Marlys",
"issuer_last_name": "Bahringer",
"issuer_zip": "81557",
"issuer_city": "New Lesleyburgh",
"issuer_country_code": "DE",
"issuer_vat_number": null,
"paid_at": null,
"note": null,
"issuer_tax_number": null,
"issuer_business_number": null,
"issuer_managing_director": null,
"issuer_phone": "(594) 422-2438",
"issuer_email": "dummy@branchbob.com",
"credit_memo": null,
"sent_at": null,
"pdf": "https://invoices.branchbob.com/invoice-2-90e5d082-7e79-4e93-98e6-1418e1e6e7ff.pdf"